Hallo Love Birds!

I have an incurable case of wanderlust, Love Birds. My only regret is that my sweet Alexander can't join me because of his fear of flying *insert sobbing emoticon here* So, I am looking for new adventures close to home! BUT in the meantime, I am answering your questions. Here's a biggie that I think we've all struggled with at one point in time: talking vs. texting.
Dear Sara,
I met a guy at a friend's party recently and had a blast getting to know him that night. Now I'm ready to ask him out. He gave me his number and told me to text him sometime, but my friend says I should call instead of text because she thinks it will show that I am not just interested in a hook up. I am definitely looking for a relationship and don't want to send the wrong message but don't want to seem old-fashioned. What do you think I should do?
Jack T.
Hi Jack,
It's great to hear from a Love Bird of the male persuasion! I love this question and I must first preface my answer with a little background information. I am dating an amazing man who doesn't have texting, facebook, instagram, or any idea how to use his cellphone. At first, I thought it was bizarre, but now it is one of the things I find most endearing about him. With that being said, I am a bit biased to the ever-dying personal phone call.
Dating in the 21st century has changed, plain and simple. Your friend is on to something though: I think it is refreshing to receive an old fashioned phone call.
Dating in the 21st century has changed, plain and simple. Your friend is on to something though: I think it is refreshing to receive an old fashioned phone call.
Try this: call him to set up the first date, then send a text to see how he's doing and confirm your plans the day of. He'll recognize that you took the initiative to call instead of text the first time, but will appreciate the casualness of staying in touch leading up to your first date. Let us know how it goes and remember, #neverdatealone!
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